Exceptional BDSM and Fetish – Columbus Ohio


Base Tributes

Despite all of our staffers’ exceptional level of expertise via our in-depth training programs, our staffers’ extensive personal and professional play experience, and our incredible studio, our tributes are extremely reasonable as we want to keep professional BDSM/Fetish affordable for all. Since all of our staffers are incredibly skilled, all of our staffers have the exact same tributes. Please note that our tributes are for individuals or two-person couples per staffer. For sessions with 3 or more members attending an additional tribute will apply.

Session Tributes

Sessions are $300 for the first hour, $200 for the second hour, $190 for the third hour, $180 for the fourth hour, and so on. Although the standard session tribute is the same for all staffers, each specific staffer’s tributes may be accessed via the links below:

Abandonment Time

For those who crave the feeling of being caged or restrained and abandoned, Studio Sanctuary offers abandonment in increments as short as half an hour! The abandonment tribute is $100 per hour and may be added to any session.  The total abandonment time may not exceed 1/2 of the session time.

Optional Mutual Interview for First-Time Session with Staffer for Existing Members

To ensure the best session possible, we strongly encourage you to add the optional mutual interview if you are a returning member and have not visited the staffer previously. The optional mutual interview tribute is $50 and the optional mutual interview typically takes 20 to 30 minutes; however, the optional mutual interview is not timed, may continue as long as necessary, and does not take away from your session time.

Same-Day Sessions

Unlike most BDSM professionals and studios, we accept same-day sessions.  If you are a new member and do not handle your membership tribute until the day of your first session, or you are an existing member and do not request a session until the day of, then a $100 same-day scheduling tribute applies.

Before or After Hours Sessions

The studio is open from 8:00am ET until midnight ET every day of the year. Occasionally, members have highly restricted availability or session activities that best occur outside our normal studio hours. Since this significantly affects the staffer’s (staffers’) schedule for either the previous/current day or the current/following day, there is an additional tribute. For all times (interview, session, abandonment, and social) before 8:00am ET and after midnight ET, the additional tribute is $100 per non-standard hour per staffer. Note: This does not apply to overnight stays since sleeping (even in extreme bondage) and sessioning aren’t the same thing.

Solo Switch or Submissive Sessions

For the safety of our staff for at least all first-time solo (you and one staffer) Switch (you and the staffer take turns Topping/bottoming) and submissive (the staffer bottoms the whole session) sessions, we require a dungeon monitor (female staffer unless Damiano Severo is requested) to be in the studio proper. The DM (dungeon monitor) will be present to ensure that your Topping techniques are proper, that you have access to all the implements that you need, and that all of the staffer’s limits are respected. The tribute for the DM is $100/session hour.

The DM requirement:

  • Does apply even if you have had a previous Switch or submissive session with the staffer previously if the total previous Switch/submissive session hours are less than 3.
  • Does apply if you have visited other staffers previously and this is your first solo Switch or submissive session with a new staffer.
  • Does apply if the staffer feels you are not yet proficient as a Top from previous Switch/submissve sessions. We aren’t trying to insult you. We are helping you become a better Top while protecting the physical and mental health of our staffers.
  • Does not apply if you are scheduling more than one staffer whether that additional staffer is a Dominant, Switch, or submissive in the session.
  • Does not apply to Dominant (the staffer is topping you) sessions.

Marking Tribute

For sessions where a staffer bottoms, there *may* be a marking tribute as follows:

  • Rope or impact impressions without bruising – $0 per staffer
  • Light bruising or marks that fade in less than 24 hours – $50 per staffer
  • Moderate bruising or marks that fade in 2 to 3 days – $150 per staffer
  • Heavy bruising or marks that fade in 4 to 5 days – $300 per staffer
  • Severe bruising or marks that fade in about one week or longer – Hard Limit for All Staffers except $600 for Miss Brittany Elway and Miss Jennifer Crofte

Social Time

Most of our staff is available for social time inside or outside of the studio! This may include dinner, drinks, BDSM events, shopping, etc. where there will be absolutely no sexual or session activity. The social time tribute is $100 per hour.

Session Enhancements

We hate a la carte tributes, so we only have additional tributes for specific activities that require special preparation, special cleanup, or both.

Instant Start Session Option

If you have visited the staffer(s) previously and you prefer to start your session the instant you arrive, then the instant start session option is available for an additional $50 tribute per staffer.  Instant start sessions must be arranged at least two hours in advance.  Since our staffers have to do extra preparation for the studio, plus the staffer(s) has to be dressed in session-appropriate attire before you arrive for the beginning of your session, we encourage you to reach out to the staffer(s) present by email for the instant start to make reasonable, respectful session and wardrobe requests plus session activity requests. Of course, being surprised and surrendering control from the very beginning are tremendous enhancements, so reasonable and respectful requests are never required.

Filmed Sessions

Studio Sanctuary regards the confidentiality of our members as sacrosanct. We never film a member without their explicit consent!  For members that want a private keepsake of their session, our staffers offer personal-use filming for $150 for the first hour and $100 for each subsequent hour.  As we do not store filming equipment at the studio, you must schedule your session filming at least one full day in advance so that we can ensure that the proper equipment is on hand.  For members that long to be the slave in one of our staffer’s videos, we do not charge an additional tribute for commercial use filming and you will receive a copy of the clip for your personal use; however, you must be willing to supply two adequate forms of ID in advance and properly execute a model release and 18 USC 2257 immediately before filming!  Please allow 4 weeks for electronic delivery of your filmed session files.

Wet and Messy (WAM) Play

Some of our staff and members enjoy WAM play, which we welcome! Due to the importance of keeping the studio clean and sterilized and the nature of WAM play, the following apply for all sessions including WAM play:

  • Members must bring their own WAM play materials (e.g. cake, pie, etc.). This builds great anticipation for the session!
  • Staffers must approve, before they are purchased, the types of WAM play items that are to be utilized.
  • For all WAM sessions, there is a flat $200 per session WAM play tribute to cover the cost of new polyethylene tarps (5 mils thickness) and the very large amount of extra cleaning/sterilization that occurs after the session.
  • Unless otherwise requested, all WAM sessions are assumed to be with the staffer(s) in a Dominant/Top role, which means the staffer is solely on the giving end of WAM play.
  • Some of the staffers enjoy Switch and submissive/bottom WAM sessions. For Switch/submissive sessions where the staffer is going to be partially or fully on the receiving end of WAM play, there is an additional tribute depending on the type of play:
    • Limited – Solely below the shoulders – $200 additional WAM tribute
    • Full Body – Including shoulders, neck, and head – $400 additional WAM tribute
      • Overwhelmingly, the most common WAM play if a staffer is participating as a Switch/submissive/bottom.

Fart Insurance

Being gassy is all about what you eat, and all of our staffers usually eat very clean (and workout regularly). If your session interests include fart play, we offer fart insurance (yes, you may laugh). For a $200 tribute (per staffer), the staffer(s) will eat the right foods (starting as early as 24 hours in advance of your session) to ensure that they are gassy during your session. If you want fart insurance, your session must be confirmed at least 24 hours in advance.

  • If, by some miracle, the staffer(s) isn’t gassy, the fart insurance is refunded in full.

Golden Showers Insurance

As you may know, it takes anywhere from 15 minutes (urinary bladder is full) to 10 hours (urinary bladder is empty) for a healthy human to have to urinate after consuming enough water. If golden showers are an important part of your session, we strongly recommend that you add the applicable golden showers insurance to your session. By adding golden showers insurance, the staffer(s) will start consuming significant quantities of water between 1 hour and 4 hours (depends on the staffer’s urinary bladder) before your arrival, so that golden showers can be guaranteed.

  • Guaranteed Single Shower – $50 per staffer 
    • Not needed for sessions of 3 hours or longer
  • Guaranteed Multiple Showers – $100 per staffer
    • Not needed for sessions of 6 hours or longer


Off-Site Sessions

All off-site sessions are subject to an additional tribute of $100/hour/staffer (to cover logistics including rentals) except as follows:

  • For our Resorts Sanctuary kinky, luxury Airbnb in Columbus, the additional tribute is reduced to $50/hour (absolute two-hour minimum).
  • For immersives (full-day or multiple full-day sessions), the additional off-site tribute is waived.


Remember your place 24/7 by being placed into chastity at the studio or by locking yourself up and sending us your keys! The keyholding fee includes a weekly check-in via email by you, a guaranteed reply by your keyholder, and a reward for continued chastity. The minimum chastity term is 4 weeks and you may upgrade chastity level at any time. For those who do in-person sessions, the studio offers chastity device rental of $10/week with a $100 device security deposit.

  • Basic ($25/week)
    • Weekly check-in via email by you, a guaranteed reply by your keyholder, with a tantalizing photo reward for continued chastity.
  • Intermediate ($50/week)
    • Weekly check-in via email by you, a guaranteed reply by your keyholder, with an incredible multiple (minimum of 3) photo reward for continued chastity.
  • Advanced ($100/week)
    • Weekly check-in via email by you, a guaranteed reply by your keyholder, with a tormenting personal video (minimum of 4 minutes) reward for continued chastity.
  • Available Add-Ons
    • Smart Lockbox – Instead of sending keys back and forth or you keeping the key in an envelope in your dresser, the intermediate and advanced chastity levels include a rental-free smart lockbox that your keyholder can control remotely.
      • The smart lockbox is rental-free with a minimum initial chastity period of 12 weeks OR a refundable (upon safe return and in working condition) $250 smart lockbox deposit.
    • Remote Sessions (Cam, Phone, or Text)
    • Daily Torment – Photo(s) or Video(s) in your email inbox daily