Exceptional BDSM and Fetish – Columbus Ohio

Simplified Tributes And Why

By on July 1, 2019 pm31 12:00 pm in Tributes

Since the studio was founded in 2007, our staffers’ tributes have always been complex (and confusing to our members), as each was assigned a tribute level among three (immediately previously) or four (initially) tiers.  At the time, it seemed like a great idea as we had staff with varying degrees of BDSM/Fetish skills, plus we had a headmistress (with the deserved highest tier of tribute).  In retrospect, this was more than fair to our members; however, the tiered tributes were not consistent with the BDSM/Fetish skills of all of the staffers, as, over time, two staffers had long-developed skills comparable to our headmistress, but they were not at the same tier.  Plus, we were compensating for lesser degrees of BDSM/Fetish skills for some of our staff – and that’s an internal training issue since all of our staff have a natural interest and personal experience with BDSM/Fetish.

In March 2019, when we rebranded from Wicked Eden to Studio Sanctuary and all of the studio’s staff formed Studio Sanctuary, we revamped our BDSM/Fetish skills training program. Our original training program was good, but we knew we had the experience and ability to ensure that all our staff were world-class BDSM professionals, which required a world-class training program.  We jointly decided that Miss Kelle Martina would become the training manager.  Miss Kelle spent hundreds of hours completely revamping our training curriculum from scratch, and we formalized all of our training into a set curriculum with an internship to follow the completion of training.  We rolled out our new, world-class training program in June 2019.

Since all our current staff are world-class BDSM professionals and future staff will be by the time they exit our now world-class training program followed by their internship, we are drastically simplifying the session tributes so there are no longer multiple tiers.  In other words, everyone’s tributes are the same.  The net result is that the highest (substantially higher than the middle tier) tribute tier is gone, the lowest is gone, and the current middle will be used for all staffers.

What’s the net result in tributes?  Most members will see no change in staffer tributes, some members will enjoy substantially lower tributes, and a small percentage of members will have slightly higher tributes.  On average, there is no material change.

As you know, despite the exclusive-use nature of the studio and our world-class staff, our tributes are below our peers as we want to keep exceptional, professional BDSM financially accessible to as many people as possible.  Thank you for your support!