Exceptional BDSM and Fetish – Columbus Ohio

Same-Day Sessions

By on July 1, 2024 pm31 12:00 pm in Scheduling, Studio

All of the studio’s full-time staff understand and support same-day session requests, as we realize a minority of our members can’t schedule a visit any other way – and we have no interest in excluding them.  To compensate the staff and the scheduling desk for making same-day requests happen and effective July 1, 2024, there will be an introductory $100 same-day scheduling tribute per staffer in addition to the normal staff tributes.  The same-day scheduling tribute will increase to $150 per staffer on January 1, 2025, when we drastically simplify our tribute structure.  This additional tribute for same-day scheduling enables us to welcome same-day session requests while covering the additional costs necessary to make them happen.

Please remember that:

  • We were founded in 2009.
  • As of October 1, 2023, we have only had one tribute increase, only affecting the first hour of a session. Each additional tribute hour remained the same.
    • Targeting only the first hour permitted us to address the drastic increases in our supply costs, especially cleaning and sterilization products, which are similar across all sessions regardless of session length.
  • We care about affordability and privacy. Therefore, we’ll always do our best to keep our tributes low despite the studio’s exclusive use.
  • Despite our incredible studio and world-class staff, we remain at the lower end of the tribute range across the Midwest and the USA.